Well, but it wasn't just that George had this crazy thought about divine right of kings. That was REALLY HOW IT WAS. For CENTURIES. Everyone agreed to that. That was the deal--if God had you be King (and you could tell because... you were the king), then you had the God-given right to rule, and everyone else had the God-given duty to be ruled. That was just the deal.
Along came the framers of the US constitution who said, "Nope. All men created equal? Check! All people endowed (by their creator, ha ha!) with inalienable rights? Check!" That was a RADICAL notion for its day. Radical and NEW. And they posited it in a way that had it be a truth for all time, but it didn't actually exist until they said it.
That it didn't exist until they said it doesn't take away the "for all time"ness of it, any more than a marriage starting on a particular date doesn't take away the "for the rest of our lives"ness of that.