Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
You get your own plane, and you shout whatever you want at the top of your lungs. Your freedom of speech is not impinged. You can yell bomb all you want.
If you don't understand that, well, it's just too trollish for my blood, I'm out.
If you have to get your own place to shout what you want, isn't that in and of itself a limit on free speech? A limit that is placed and enforced by the government?
I think this is the point people have been trying to make. And lest I also be accused of "trolling," the fact is that no right is ever absolute. And to move this discussion away from the more extreme examples to more practical day to day things, we already know about, and almost all of us seem to accept, differences in communications from corporations and individuals.
We all seem to be ok with the notion that any one of us, individually, can say whatever crap we want about treatments and drugs, but we all seem to be ok with the notion that Bayer should not be able to run an ad claiming that aspirins cure cancer. We all seem to be ok with the notion that, as long as we don't do any tax evasion, we can lie, individually, to anyone about how much we make. But we all are OK with the idea that corporations should not be able to lie to potential investors.