Originally Posted by rahl
Yes you can yell fire in a theatre, but not if there isn't one.
what stops me?
Originally Posted by rahl
Nor bomb on a plane if there isn't one.
what stops me?
Originally Posted by rahl
Those are exceptions to free speech, negating the absolute part.
a totally incorrect assumption on your part. do you get fitted with a gag that has a smoke detector in it so that you can only yell fire in a theater when it senses fire?
Originally Posted by rahl
The president can declare a state of martial. All of these fly in the face of absolute rights "guaranteed" by the constitution.
is martial law a specific enumerated power granted to the federal government in the constitution?
Originally Posted by rahl
And since the supreme court is the final legal authority, yes they are always correct, legally speaking.
if that is true, then nobody has any legitimate argument concerning any single ruling coming down from the USSC. Therefore, Kelo was completely correct, so was cruikshank and dred scott, and now this latest one.