Originally Posted by rahl
Sorry man but none of our rights are guaranteed or absolute.
yes, they are. otherwise constitutions, enumerated powers, and bills of rights are useless and toothless
Originally Posted by rahl
And the USSC does interprit the constitution, not just follow it's wording to the letter. Hence differing opinions from each of the justices.
no, they not supposed to interpret.....although the idea was contemplated by the founders. Their constitutional power exists only to judge congressional law against the plain text of the constitution, interpret the law alone to see if it violates the constitution, then render their decision. In all cases, they are supposed to favor the constitution over the law written by congress.
Let's be very clear, what you are saying is currently the way it happens to be now. That does not mean its according to the constitution, it's just blindly accepted by an ignorant populace.