If you think politicizing judges is a good idea, I hope you never have a legal case in which you need a fair shake from a judge where the adversary is more poltiically attractive than you are.
Please, Filtherton, you're spouting politically partisan nonsense. Go read the flippin' case. And learn a little bit about stare decisis, when and how it applies and what the Sup Ct does. Even Linda Greenhouse of that famously rightwing newspaper the NY Times says Obama got it wrong. Sheesh.
---------- Post added at 04:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------
Guys, as I said, partisan politics makes people say stupid things. Anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity will say that, at best, Obama "overstated" the holding. Please, I spent too many years in law school and practicing law to have to listen to this crap about how to read a case. Obama does know how to read a case, and he knew exactly what he was doing - he was tossing raw meat to his base at the expense of the Supreme Court, and he wasn't too particular about accuracy when he did it.
Will, Alito at his hearings had cameras on him and knew it. He had no reason at the SOTU to think he'd be focused on when the Pres was speaking - he isn't a politician and is rarely in front of a camera. Just take that for what it was - Obama got it wrong, did it indecorously, and Alito muttered about it without realizing he'd be caught on camera. Why is this so hard to understand? Because it doesn't fit your preferred good guy/bad guy narrative? And Alito didn't even write that opinion, Kennedy did. It wasn't his work being shot at. You also might want to look at Ginsburg - her face was tightening during that applause, too. Believe me, Obama made no friends on the court that day, on either side of the 5-4 split. The justices are very solicitous of each other.