All this comes back to a single issue - Transparency. A number of the questions were related to Healthcare. We have had those debates before and will continue to do so , but hopefully not here. But using that as the base, we have a bill that no one gets to read before they vote. The Republicans have to be obstructionists. To do anything else is irresponsible. They don't know if their ideas are incorporated or not in any form, do they? They have to base their opinion on no information, they were unrepresented in the drafting of the bill, there is no bill to read prior to vote, so "trust us it's in there" is totally unacceptable. And within the portions of the bill that was made public are an awful lot of we'll figure that out later pieces.
If this administration is to get anything done, and I hope for the sake of the country they do, both sides of this thing need to get a dose of reality and recognition that the 2 sides do not trust each other and to attempt to work in a vaccuum is wasted effort. This isn't a shot at the dems because they are in the majority,, it is a shot at all of the washington crowd. From the rep's side I would be in a position of watching carefully what Mr. Obama DOES now that he has admonished both sides. His actions will be extremely important to his credibility. Stay squarely in the partisan (or even appear to do so) he will fail to get anything accomplished. He will be able to blame it on the Reps, but I don't believe that is what America wants, nor do I believe it will get him reelected. I know it is not what I want and if he can't get anything substantial accomplished I will be looking to the next guy to see if they can.
Obama is correct in that if the two sides continue to lack diplomacy in their comments they paint themselves into a corner regarding effectiveness. I visited a Renewable Energy gathering last week and the terminology the speaker ( a Colorado government official ) used regarding , Oil and Gas , Nuclear, Coal and others in the "conventional energy" industry was so offensive and loaded with half to non truths, it was hard to even listen to the excellent data (small percentage of the talk) he presented that has merit toward an all encompassing energy policy. Lesson learned - it isn't always what you say, it is how you say it!
Best Regards TFPers. It is great fun to be amongst you!
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!