The best things about the following, according to me, were...
Brothers 7/10: Natalie Portman!
A Prophet 8/10: the most tense, fraught, real murder scene I've seen for ages. I had to glance briefly away without wanting to
Sideways 8/10: Thomas Haden Church (he's an infant! and a derelict!)
The Contract 4/10: not much was good about this but some things were amusing: the least convincing wilderness sets and night-effects since the 1950s; some of the most hacky dialogue since cinema began; Freeman and Cusack taking the bullshit caper so seriously and treating it with a dignity it absolutely does not deserve
The Bounty 10/10: Anthony Hopkins reaching the top of his game and Tevaite Vernette, the fairest maiden that sailed the seven seas.
Koyaanisqatsi 10/10: Its melancholy and hypnotic music and the fact like you feel like God watching the earth when you watch this.
Powaqqatsi 8/10: The shot of the kids on the little ferris wheel about two thirds through.
The Day the Earth Caught Fire 8/10: The practical effects, and the way the film broaches what was at the time a very serious and pertinent issue, in as accessible and universal a way possible.