I've been through some heavy duty weight fluctuations over the past 10'ish years. I've remained steady at my largest cup size - 40DD - for a few years now. Weight will fall off elsewhere but won't drop off of them. I love my girls though. Men do too and I won't bullshit anyone - I like the attention they get. I do show that cleavage as much as possible (flaunt your good parts, hide the bad, etc.) But I've started that back pain women talk about. If I bend over to clean something, scoop out a litter box, etc., I stand back up slightly out of breath and my back, throbbing. And opposite of Shani, I prefer no bra. If I've been out for 6+ hours and I get in the car to go home, guess what I do after I start my engine? I take off my fucking bra and shove it in my purse. Ok, well, most of it. Going braless is a great way to aim for tucking them in my pants a few years down the road. But I'm most comfortable that way. While they are attractive, they're not always fun and games. I don't think I could handle them if they got any bigger. At 35, I'd like to think they're done. But stranger things have happened. :/