01-30-2010, 11:03 PM
#44 (permalink)
Originally Posted by shell
Why would we loan a "measly" 2 billion to the already super-rich oil company, Petrobas in Brazil?
Originally Posted by dippin
Every company in the world, even the biggest one, generally borrows money to expand it's business.
What is the issue here, exactly? The bank is making a profit through the loans, lending money that does not come from tax payers, and in the process helping the US export more.
And even if this decision was made by Obama (which it wasn't), and even if the stocks belonged to Soros personally, and not his hedge fund (which they dont) the notion that it was done to benefit Soros is nonsense. Whatever benefit Petrobras gets from this loan will be long term and diluted among its many, many stockholders (and Soros is very, very far from being a major stockholder in the company).
Thank you, dippin. I understand.
..."Say what you think. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" ~ Dr. Seuss