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Old 01-30-2010, 04:28 PM   #14 (permalink)
crow_daw's Avatar
Location: Vol Country
Well I live in Knoxville. Been a UT fan my whole life (and coincidentally, also an Oakland Raiders fan), so I've been going to bat for that fuckstick for about 3 years now. That's why everyone here in Vol Country is so irate and pissed at Kiffin: he just made us all look so god damn stupid. The entire rest of the country was right, and we were wrong. Hell, even Al Davis had a bead on this guy, and we just swallowed all of his bullshit like it was chocolate fucking sorbet. He's such a classless piece of shit.

Did you know that right after he took the UT job, his wife Layla gave birth to a son, whom Lane subsequently named Knox. That's correct: he named his fucking child for a PR stunt. If he actually gave a shit about the program/job/players/town/anyone-but-himgoddamnself, then it would be different. But he branded his own son with a name that he will presumably bear for the rest of his natural life just to send a false message of loyalty and devotion.

The thing that I keep telling myself is this: surely this will adversely affect him in recruiting, correct? I mean, how can ANY recruit from ANYWHERE look this guy in --the eye and believe a single word he fucking says? If I was a five-star blue chip entertaining a recruiting visit from Kiffin, I would have to think the dialogue would go something like this:

LK: "You and I, Crow_daw, we're going to bring a championship to Southern California before you graduate. I'm going to help you do that."
Me: "Sorta like you were going to help Janzen Jackson and Bryce Brown do that?"
LK: ".....but this is different....this is....well this is my dream job."
Me: "Yeah, until the god damn Dallas Cowboys fire Wade Phillips right? Or any other NFL job comes open for that matter, you opportunistic piece of shit?"

God what I would give to actually engage in that conversation. But anyway, the silver lining in all of this that has yet to be mentioned is that we did hire Derek Dooley, who seems to be a stand up guy. I would encourage anyone interested in the situation to YouTube his press conference. His head coaching record isn't that impressive on its face, but when you consider what kind of program he took over at LA Tech, and the fact that they lost some tough games last year, I think it becomes a little more encouraging. Further, he had two number one recruiting classes as the recruiting coordinator for LSU under Nick Saban, who worked with for six years. The guy has a football pedigree, a law degree, and the right attitude. I think we're going to be OK.

And just to reiterate: Fuck Lane Kiffin in his sorry fucking ass.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons
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