I think whats getting lost in the conversation here is how this will ultimately effect the overall quality of candidates running for office. Face time and getting your name out there are huge factors when you begin building a campaign and candidates will look to any means they can to achieve that.
What worries me about this ruling is it will cause candidates to begin wooing wealthy groups (more then they do now) to support them in the up coming race, which means building a platform around issues that appeal to the wealthy party in question and not the average American. Whats a candidates real aim going to be now? Whose interests are they going to take to heart? What issues are they going to spend the most time talking about?
I don't think this will be the end of democracy as we know it but lets face it the average American is left out of the equation enough as it is, do we need to make it worse?
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”