Originally Posted by filtherton
I really enjoyed what he said about (and to) the supreme court. I wish he'd call more people out to their faces on national television.
Me too, especially when they basically gave corporations the green light to determine our elections (even more than they do now).
Although I voted for Obama, I've been somewhat disappointed in his desire to show bipartisanship at the expense of getting anything done. You can bet your ass that if the republicans had a super-majority, they'd have passed a decade's-worth of legislation in their first year - all the while saying to the democrats, "Suck it - there's nothing you can do about it!"
I've got to admit, though, that I felt a lot better after the speech than before it. I'm particularly encouraged by his promise to extend federal tax credits to anyone buying something to conserve energy. That's the way to increase green businesses (and I'm trying to start one that will conserve water). The Stimulus certainly didn't - the Stimulus "green business" money in my state all went to the two biggest electric utilities. So much more small business growth . . . .
I think the tax credits will help - people will start buying energy-conserving devices if there's a more realistic return on investment. I think the present ROI on solar panels is 30 years. Our state already has a 25% tax credit for installing a "water-conservation system"; another 25% from the feds would make it a Half-Price Sale. That'll help a business grow, and it's good for the planet, too.