right handed, right handled
I pull down the zipper w the right, haul the shorts down and hook the bottom of the zippered opening with my left thumb to keep it away from my courting tackle. Then I haul out the sausage part w my right thumb & forefinger - those fingers hold on while the game is in play, and tuck everything dearest to me back in a safe and secure manner before the left hand releases the undershorts/zippered opening.
This still holds true when wearing gym shorts or swim trunks or other non-zippered wear - the left thumb holds the clothing well down and close to the thighs while the right does the lift & aim work. I guess it is habit, developed unconsciously due to the design of the fabric as pointed out above by Daniel.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
I'm going with this - if you like artwork visit http://markfineart.ca