Your argument posits that advertisement, if done sufficiently well, removes or abridges free will and freedom of agency.
This is, politely, bullshit.
I have a choice between McDonalds or my local diner; McDs advertises constantly on TV, radio, etc; Jerg's Patio has an ad in my local paper. Guess where I eat? Jerg's. The food's better, and everyone with half a brain in this town knows it. If the rest are so farmyard-turkey stupid that they let themselves be "suggested" into buying McDonalds, that's their own fault. They have a choice to be informed, to shop around and compare...they simply -choose- not to do so, for whatever their individual reasons might be. Maybe, for some inexplicable reason, they -prefer- McDonalds.
Advertising is suggestions, not bloody hypnotism, and if somebody's too dumb to understand that and process the adverts they receive accordingly, they deserve whatever they get. They're also to stupid to be allowed anywhere near a polling place.