Kamen Rider cosplay
I know it may not be big here, but this TV/manga/cultural impact franchise is just as big, if not bigger, than both the original runs of
Power Rangers in the states,
as well as where it originally spawned--Japan. It is huge.
The progession of Kamen Riders over the span of 20+ years.

Kamen Rider V3, at the 9th Ani-Com Hong Kong
-- July 28, 2007, photo by
瑜 | Andy
Hawaii's Lt. Governor, James "Duke" Aiona, meets Kikaida, Ban "Jiro" Daisuke, Miyauchi "Kazami Shiro" Hiroshi
and Kamen Rider V3 in his Executive Chambers as he presents a proclaimation celebrating the 30th Anniversary of
Kikaida in Hawaii and Hawaii celebrates the "reunion" of two of our favorite heros!
-- October 28, 2004, photo by Watari Goro 渡五郎

Glass Hall (level 1) at the Toy Carnivalheld, at the Singapor Art Museum
Meanwhile, a group of Kamen Rider at the courtyard was led by cute Ghostbuster girl
-- July 5, 2009, photo by
Rider Punch.... by RacoonFactory
Kamen Rider Black in action; more found here

Kamen Rider is a babe magnet; must be his slick ride.