I'd like to post a succinct little tidbit that outlines the difference caused by the outcome of this ruling.
[Again, I will state that I live in a country where only individuals can contribute funds to political parties, and a maximum of $1,100 annually at that. Also the governing body of communications (CRTC) restricts the purchasing of political advertisements to registered political parties, and they are limited to 6.5 hours each.]
Today I read that before this ruling, "corporations and unions could run election-period ads only by setting up a political action committee, which can raise money only from employees or union members, each of whom face a $5,000 cap on annual contributions."*
But now, both corporations and unions can spend directly from their own coffers...and at their discretion.
I think this is an astounding difference, and it didn't really hit me until I read it this morning.
Obama, court at public odds on campaign spending - The Globe and Mail