Originally Posted by Derwood
for someone who claims to be pro-choice, you have an awfully strange interpretation of what pro-choice means. "I killed my baby"? Really?
So exactly what would the pro-choicers say. I tend to like what Cimmaron said:
Well, I've not seen the script so I can't say definitively. If she says, "I had a choice and I made this one, but I think our politicians should change the current law so that you can't have the choice that I did." - well, that would definitely be a pro-life political message. If she says, "I had a choice and I made this one, always remember you have a choice and you can choose life." Well, I would view that as a pro-choice commercial. It encourages people to "choose life", but it still emphasizes that there is a choice. In my opinion, any offense to that message starts blurring one's position between "pro-choice" and "pro-abortion".
That would actually in my mind be a pro-choice commercial. BUT if that is what is being aired and those militant groups are fighting it... then what exactly would their commercial say?
The very fact that they would rather find courts to stop the ad or the FCC or boycott CBS even though CBS gave them the chance to air an ad that was tastefully done, shows there is a problem.
So, let's see they can't present an ad that shows a lady who is maybe in her 30's and says.... "I did something when I was 16, I was not prepared for it and I had a choice, my baby would have been born a drug addict and in serious pain from my lifestyle at the time. My child would never have had a chance to live the life that I believe everyone should be able to. I stand by my choice and am grateful that I had one."
Or something similar.... But it still comes down to "I killed my baby." Which I may be pro-choice but I still acknowledge that it abortion is killing a living thing... is an embryo human yet with a soul??? don't know, but I would rather see clinics that are legal and clean than hear how ladies have to go to chop shops in some alley.