Originally Posted by Derwood
In a "free" capitalist system (i.e. completely unregulated), those with the money will dominate the system. Thus, the "average guy" will generally get the shaft
This is why we should incorporate regulations and have some modified Socialism.
Pure Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, etc. are all in the end corruptible. What lies in between and can be modified and worked into a system is, IMHO, the system we should strive for. Because that would be "the perfect system".
Each economic philosophy in and of itself has great merit, the problem is when that system is used it becomes corrupted by the leaders who corrupt the system.
It's like a milk chocolate bar. If you eat pure chocolate, expecting this great treat, it's bitter, disgusting and eventually you get very ill. If you just do the milk and expectsomething wonderful, you don't get much taste, it's flat and for most the results aren't the same as that milk chocolate bar. If you just do the sugar, you get sweet, but no taste and eventually get sick.
Now, if you combine all three ingredients in the right way, you end up with something delicious and miraculous.
Finding the right combination of economic philosophies, again IMHO, leads to the perfect social climate where ALL of humanity will prosper.