Everyone knows I'm an Apple Fanboi.. every one knows I wish I were the love child of Steve Jobs, but sorry- this is pure fail IMO. I was hoping that a tablet wasn't going to be released and I almost got my wish. I don't see this as a game changer. I see this as trying to corner a very small market instead of continuing to try and increase their computer market and re-increase their hold on the MP3 sector. They're down to 70% share in the iPod arena, and let's be honest, the iPhone is a piece of shit. They've seen some gains in the computing market, but what does this do? It hands 1 million people a useful tool. There are 10 million+ who would rather have something else. Shit..design a netbook that's actually useful for something other than one word document and a browser running at the same time. Corner that market before windoze dominates it. Or, I dunno..design a phone that actually has a fucking battery that you can remove without a crow-bar. :shrug:
I just don't see this doing much in the short or long term for apple. It's certainly not an iPod level game changer.
Between this and the iPhone, I'm losing a bit of faith in Mr. Jobs.