Originally Posted by aceventura3
I don't judge him based on unemployment.
At this point in time I think his rhetoric and attack against the financial sector, the "rich", etc. has hurt. I also believe the uncertainty of tax increases, increases in cost for health care, cap and trade, etc., has hurt. Banks are not lending, credit is frozen, he has not helped in this regard either. He said his stimulus would limit unemployment to 8%, we are well above that.
This is my problem with Obama up to this point, he's been wishy washy and negative... His agenda has stifled growth, because of the uncertainty of his priorities... I think you hit the nail on the head - Proposed tax increases (Both hidden or outright), Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade.. how does he expect small businesses to expand with this type of agenda... people are scared to death of what the government might do.. and he's not instilling ANY confidence imo. Add the continued credit crisis to the mix and it's gonna stay abysmal for a long time.
FDR didn't get it all right when leading us out of the great depression, but he certainly did LEAD the country and instill confidence. Leadership is exactly what is needed right now! I think we'll see from tonights State of the Union that his administration is going to make some changes in priority and because of that, it is safe to assume we've been off course.