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Old 01-26-2010, 02:44 PM   #269 (permalink)
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Personally, I don't feel Heimer is OP. It has to do with champion diversity. There are a number of things Champions can be good at: CC, burst damage, AoE dmg output, farming, leveraging items, map mobility, etc. There's always going to be one Champion who is the absolute best at any one thing: this doesn't necessarily mean that they are OP, just that that's their niche. Balance has to take into account the Champion as a whole.

Heimer's rockets hit mega hard right now, but that's pretty much the limit of his burst. Assuming he's not fed, he's not going to be the bane of your team with smart play. What he is exceptional at right now is guaranteed, constant harass. I'm not sure how big the range nerf on his rockets is going to be, but it's going to help. A healer shuts down Heimer's biggest asset, since pretty much any (including Alistar) can outheal his harass with the long rocket cooldown. With healers being unfavored in the current meta due to strong -healing mechanics, this means he's generally a very strong earlygame pick for a team right now.

Zeraph hit the nail on the head with his last sentence: he picked out Heimer's niche. If your team can't find a way to deal with that, or at least minimize its effect and leverage your own strengths elsewhere, then it's either a flaw with your team composition or your play/teamwork.

(This being said, he DOES hit ballin hard ><).

Re: overpricing. As I said, subjective. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I not only respect yours but agree with your reasoning that LoL is not as complex as a MMO. Keep in mind though that that is not the main thing determining business model. LoL has a long, indefinite cycle similar to a MMO, unlike a box product. Their pricing scheme falls in the 'reasonable' category for me, but that's just my opinion and has no greater weight than yours or anyone elses.

(P.S. boo multitasking, lol. I accidentally referred to Wesnoth instead of LoL everytime in this post before I caught myself :P)
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