I have a challenge for you, but for one day only. For one day, I challenge you to find things that you like about yourself, no matter what you might think anyone else might think about it If it's something you're into, that's fucking awesome. Be into it because you love to do it. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Give yourself compliments. Sweet Jesus...learn to like yourself, then learn to love yourself. If you're a badass drummer and bass player, or even if you suck at it, it doesn't matter. If you like it and you like how you feel when you're doing it, *That is all that should matter.* In addition to that, you are flat out, absolutely not fucking allowed to bash yourself, talk down about yourself, post anything of a self-depricating nature or make yourself feel like a piece of shit. For one day, it's all about YOU and what you like about yourself. Once you have a day down, your next challenge is two days. Once you hit a week, you get a new challenge.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.