I guess you guys gave me the "smoking gun" after all. Thanks.
There are a few points I'd like to add however:
a. Unlike in movies where we see the bad guy calmly leading the hero into an ambush while sneering behind his back, in this case, I think the girl's manipulative behavior is rather spontaneous. That is to say, these aren't calculated moves. I can say this because she makes certain people at the univ. feel like she's interested, but feigns disinterest behind their backs. If I were a girl I don't think I'd do that.
b. She's too casual with her dealings with any and everyone. Even with the slightest bit of interest on anyone, a person's behavior is bound to change, however slight that might be. Either she's an emotional wreck, or a pro. Either ways, I'm out.
Thanks again for all your comments and suggestions.