Originally Posted by Willravel
Switching gears for a moment:
I'm curious who else here has heard about a recent push for a new Constitutional amendment stating clearly that money is not speech and corporate entities are not individuals. I would certainly support such an amendment and it could be something even the most partisan members of the left and right could get together on. Other than corporate shills, of course.
I haven't heard about such a push but I've been so busy lately I've been out of the loop on a lot of this stuff. However I'm not sure how I feel about it, I absolutely agree that corporate entities (or any group for that matter) aren't individuals and shouldn't be treated as such. They should have protection under the law, but constitutional protection as though they were a person is just wrong and in my opinion quite unfair.
On the other hand I do believe money to some extent is free speech. We should have to right to spend our money on anything we want (within the law) and that includes using it to fund whatever group or movement we agree with. I think if you took away that right you'd run the risk of the govt dictating what is a legitimate cause and what isn't (among other things). For example could the govt cut off individual funding to some vile group like KKK? Or could a party in power cut off funding for the other party? Should they have the right to?
I don't know maybe the stance is a little hypocritcal and some major point is going right over my head but I'd need a little convincing on the money as free speech issue. In the end I probably would support it with some provisions on protecting individual spending.