Originally Posted by roachboy
if you want to read capital, maybe we could start a reading circle type thread and use it to push things along. i know the text pretty well and i suspect that there are other folk who do as well---who knows, maybe it'd be interesting.
My reading has picked up quite a bit recently, having ended a long-term binge on computer gaming, namely, the
World of Warcraft. (With much relief, I must say.)
I've recently decided that I'd rather have read Smith's
Wealth of Nations before delving into
Capital, as I understand that Marx based his work in large part on Smith's ideas.
That said, I'm currently waiting for a copy of
Wealth of Nations to be available from the library, and
Capital is in the queue.
I should get the Smith text fairly quickly. Would you (or anyone else) be interested in starting a reading circle type thread on the Smith text as a precursor to one on the Marx text?
I should note too that the copy of
Capital I'm obtaining is the abridged Oxford edition, which contains pretty much all of Volume 1, an excerpt of Volume 2, and select chapters of Volume 3. You can get a table of contents here through Amazon's Search Inside:
I hope that will suffice. If not, I suppose I could spring for my own copy of the unabridged text.