I've been to a shit load of concerts. I am massive Oasis fan and have traveled all over the world to see them. Usually when they come through my area I would catch them in Detroit, Toronto and then follow them to Montreal if they went if not I'd hit Chicago first depending on time in-between shows.
Madonna - i was like 13....wow i "used" that tour poster many times...
Michael Jackson - my sister likes to remind me i complain it was too loud the whole time...I was 8!
Pink Floyd- 16....first time smoking weed...with my 30yr old uncle to boot.
Kiss - shit show, not a fan went with friends who paid for my ticket.
The Tragically Hip - too many times to count!
Crystal Method - went to see them when the did a show in Barrie Ont, forget the name of the festival...
Dr Dre/Snop Dog- in detroit....was awesome!
Smashing Pumpkins/Red Hot Chilli's- terrible show, neither can sing live.
Sarah Mclachlan - whole pit hair batman...sorry joke. she is great!
Twice I've flown to see Oasis, only to have them leave the stage mid show due to a fan throwing something on stage. Once I paid about 1200 bucks travel, ticket hotel and time off work to see them do 4 songs in detroit, they were on a bill called 89x christmas rocks. fantastic set well worth the coin!
One of the best shows I've seen was Hayden (canadian singer) in a very small club, fantastic set.
Also saw Noel from Oasis do a small acoustic set at Muchmusic, just amazing! and i have it on film!
Last edited by canuckguy; 01-23-2010 at 03:12 PM..