I love coffe, though not caffeine

. I gave it up once for a week, just to see if I could. It was a long week.
I drink a double shot of espresso in the morning, and have a utilitarian half calf - half decaf cup (maybe 10 oz) in the afternoon from the coffee machine at work.
But my first coffee in the morning is more than just about the caffeine; it's about the ritual of making it: grinding, tamping, brewing. I just love coffee, and if it naturally came uncaffeinated I would have many more shots a day

. Unofortunately decaf genereally doesn't taste as good, and has less variety.
I do notice when I don't have my coffee, so I would say I am slightly addicted. I probably get 150 mg of caffeine a day from caffeinated drinks (I don't drink soft drinks or tea or eat much chocolate, so I don't think I get a lot of caffeine otherwise). But I figure it's worth it for the ritual. I remember being a kid in Lebanon and always wanting to be old enough to have Turkish coffee after Sunday's lunch on my Grandma's balcony

. I started by dipping sugar cubes in the coffee, to drinking sweet coffee, though now I can't stand any sugar (or milk!) in it.
But then I guess my avatar might have already shown my preference