Originally Posted by pan6467
Really??? and exactly how does the government get this U6 number. How do they know exactly how many are homeless, discouraged, can't collect because they were salaried/owned their own small business or were independant contractors?
And what is the current U6 number given by the government and the number BEFORE Obama took office?
I'd like to know because I lost my job the past year and had to take a $3+ an hour paycut and was unable to file for unemployment.
My wife lost her job because Charter One (an RBS bank owned subsidiary) because they closed her branch and didn't take management with them.
So our household now pays lower income taxes (MUCH LOWER) and cannot afford to stimulate much in the economy world. Much like many of my friends and thousands in North East Ohio as a whole.
I've already provided a link to all of that in this very thread.