Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Funny how I don't see anybody bitching about the Unions suddenly having their advertising hands untied by this same decision; sauce for the goose but none for the gander, eh?
This has a lot to do with the fact that the money corporations spend on politics dwarf what unions spend by at least a factor of 17.
Today's 5-4 Supreme Court ruling is the second shoe to drop this week clobbering democracy. First was the combination of the filibuster's 60 seat rule and Scott Brown's election. Now the Court permits corporate money -- 17 times larger than labor money -- to overwhelm the levees of democracy.
The goose in this case is the size of Godzilla and the gander the size of maybe an elephant. If Godzilla and an elephant were let loose on Tokyo, which would you be talking about? Be honest.
If you really want to drag partisanship into this, answer me this: who appointed the 5 justices that voted for this and who appointed the 4 against?