3 thoughts are in my mind as I read the discussion about this decision.
1) The freedom of speech shall not be infringed. This is a good thing, even though folks are whining about unlimited corporate interest money flooding election campaigns now. That can be addressed later.
2) right here and now is the perfect time to force the court to reconsider contracted corporate entities and having constitutional rights as a person woud, or not. If the courts would like to continue that absurd line of thinking, then lets amend the constitution in some way that removes 'personhood' from a corporate entity.
3) the claims about the 5 justices on the right, libertarianism, strict constructionist BS, and all the other ideological crap is just that. It's crap. Who runs this country? WE THE PEOPLE run this country. To those saying that the most money will now elect a candidate for office, answer why that is. When you come up with the right answer, work to change it.
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."