i dont object to unions being able to act politically in the same way that i object to corporations being able to.
first off, at this point the union movement is in disarray. there are some strong pockets and i hope to see more mobilization and new types of union action because without banding together working people are powerless against capital. conservatives just happen to like that state of affairs.
but the reason i think the union-corporate entity equation false is as a matter which which types of interest each represents. unions represent a far greater cross-section of the material and personal interests of the working people who join them.
corporations represent the interests of the holders of capital.
there is a basic difference between them, which i think this little blurb makes clear.
i see unions as being in themselves political organizations to the extent that the function to take power away from capital and transfer it to the rank-and-file. this despite the sector-monopoly model that the good ole afraid-of-the-reds us of a adopted after world war 2.
so i think it is a basic capitulation to years of conservative propaganda to lump unions in with corporate persons.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite