Originally Posted by Xerxys
Yes. She is better off without you. I'm not taking a shot at you and no one else was/is either. You are a mess as it is and you definitely do not belong in any form of romantic relationship.
Good things will come to those who wait and exercising patience as well as an open mind is the best way to get there.
Something about women, they are just like everyone else. You know your buddy, the dude you hang around with everyday, drinking and playing Tekken all night? You know disturbing facts about him like what his farts smell like after he eats TacoBell and that he can gun down entire armies for a double cheese burger? Well, turns out if you hang out with a chick long enough you'll know these things about them too. As far as them making sense ... thats never gonna happen. No one on this earth makes sense besides me. Your all freaks.
Women are driven by the same things men are and getting them to like you means liking yourself. Being confident doesn't mean being content as a slob. It means you have the drive to keep your shit together. Women like that you can handle yourself. You, Mirth on the other hand, I feel your being very passive aggressive, obsessive, clingy and downright unpleasant to hang around with. You need to just chill out and get a hobby. Something you can talk about for hours on end.
You worded what I wanted to say in an understanding manner without profanity. I salute you.
Also, it's " You're all freaks"
</gammar nazi>
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future. Common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot now. - J. Jacques