yeah well let's see. i think there's enough that's at the least problematic about this decision to occupy us without allowing things to degenerate into some strange passive-aggressive contest over whose political position dislikes corporate personhood more. it's a no-win situation. is there a stick or something that dislike runs up that we could point to after the tide goes out and say: see, my dislike of corporate personhood went to 11'3" while yours was a mere 11'...
i like this older blog entry about the case, which was one of a bunch that i read in the fall which were uneasy that this court decided to take on the case:
Scholars and Rogues Campaign finance hearing may have ramifications for corporate personhood
corporations are people.
money is speech.
i dunno..i think this is one of those moments that conservatives seem to put on every once in a while that starts out being one thing but soon turns into a kind of accidental theater, something on the order of the surrounding and sealing off of independence hall after 9/11/2001 in the name of protecting what it stood for. this is another.