Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Equally funny how those of us who have repeatedly called for an end to Corporate Personhood from a Rightist perspective (because only individual human beings have Rights, including free speech and political agency) are now being cast as cheerleaders for this insane decision....
If you insist on making it ideological, I found it odd, but predictable and certainly not funny, that it was the conservative members of the bench, the more "strict" constitutionalists, who believe the laws of the land should treat corporations as "people".
WE the people and corporations of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union...
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Woah! Wait! But that's impossible! Everyone knows right-wing teabaggers worship banks! Yeah, and left-wingers want to force all the White women to have abortions to make room for more niggers. The first bolded statement operates on the same level of intellectual bankruptcy and moronic prejudice as the second.
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