Originally Posted by dippin
This whole "grand message" thing regarding the whole MA election is silly. The idea that MA elected a pro-choice moderate who supports gay rights and a version of public healthcare that is more progressive than the one in the senate right now to "make sure the country stayed in the center" is nonsense. First because the idea that Obama represents the left of the democratic party is false. Second because the distance between the current democratic proposals and Brown's position is relatively small. Lieberman, Bayh, Lincoln and Landrieu are bigger problems for Obama than Brown is. And third because it ignores the main reason he won by 5 points: he was a likable, somewhat independent person running against someone who didn't campaign and who made a habit of saying foolish things.
You all just keep telling yourselves that and continue on the same course and see where it gets you in November. I had high hopes the Democrats would do something with their super majority but instead all we got was a way left of center agenda and finger pointing at the other side. This country so needs to kick all the lobbyists from Washington and a viable third party. Nothing has been done about creating jobs, keeping jobs here or the economy in general. They haven't even passed any real Wall Street reform after the biggest financial meltdown since '29.
"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."
Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by scout; 01-22-2010 at 02:45 AM..