Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Not really on the rolling over. One of the oddities about my brand of politics is that it expressly disallows the active political "rolling over" of any person or persons. The objective of right-libertarianism is to avoid -being- rolled over, and to provide as many means as possible to prevent such; ie lawsuits, private-property rights, the Non-Aggression Principle and, of course, lots of guns. The only case in which I consider such a "roll-over" acceptable is when it is in the act of removing a law or statute which is an impediment to individual/personal freedom which is supported by those with a vested interest in the current tyrannical status-quo. The repeal of various Fed-level laws regarding recreation drugs, NFA weapons, and mandatory minimum sentencing rules would be good examples. Ie; the -removal- of a tyrannical law or statute would be legitimate, but the -imposition- of such a law would not be, in the same way that it is legitimate for a person to use force to escape slavery but not legitimate to use force to enslave someone.
And what would America look like on the macro level if all of those (and the other agenda items) were implemented? That is what I am concerned with. Obama made his 30 minute infomercial on what changes he wanted to make for the average American, McCain and the other Republicans (Paul included) did not. Now, Ron Paul does have a few ideas that I like, but I think his policies would let corporations treat the average person like crap. And while we would have the 'choice' to not use them, it's not fair if no one can make a non-smoking bar succeed if the next city over allows it for example. (Smoking bans, trans fat, sodium, renewable energy grants, and a few other good government projects/ideas...)
Do I get to sue the power company (and other industry) for polluting the air on my property? Or will it look like the wild west, except with Chinese levels of pollution? Will the unregulated competition in the market place turn everything into a ebay style flea market where costs are cut as low as they can go by copying, stealing ideas, and using cheaper parts...