Obama has not completed much in the first year. I disagree with most of what this administration has done and is trying to do. It certainly appears that many others (though not on this forum) agree with that assessment. Looking at the last 3 election (especially Scott Brown's win last night) results there is a lot of uneasiness with the direction we are being taken. Mr. Obama had a lot of ideas for change, but I always felt that during the run up to the election there was a lack of understanding of the underlying problems and more importantly a plan for executing these ideas. He has systematically surrounded himself with theoriticians and the result is nothing gets accomplished. The McCain campaign refused to ask the questions about the execution ( in what I believe was the worst run campaign in my 35 years as a voter) and the mainstream media followed suit. In the end we have what we have. The Democrats were outstanding at being obstructionists during the Bush years and the Republicans are equally adept. Frankly if they are incumbents (with very few exceptions) I will vote against them.
Reform is needed in many areas, but in my opinion certain fundemantals have to be adressed before we can impart any change. Tort law reform is paramount, you can't fix healthcare or many of our other big ticket problems either without this being taken care of first, and frankly that will NEVER happen when the foxes (lawyers) own the henhouse. Term Limits for Congress, Line Item Veto or Bill singularity (elimination of earmarks and tag ons etc) None of these is even on the radar screen and won't ever be.
Before some of you jump in I am a conservative, registered Republican AND I'm MAD AS HELL at my bunch of "turds in human suits" because they don't represent me very well either, but I find them less offensive than the band of thieves Mr Obama surrounds himself with. Check their collective records of paying their taxes (any of US would be in jail with sustantial penalties assessed)
All politicians lie (you can tell when their lips move) but Mr. Obama and his "Transparency" line of BS has me totally put out. I didn't trust the last bunch or the bunch before them, but this crew is WAY OUT OF LINE. Previous administrations were liars as well, but they didn't claim to be transparent as this admin did. Change We Can Believe In? I don't think so. I believe the Mandate he felt he got in the last election will be a completely different story come this November.
Over and OUT!
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!