In reality, you have been on very few dates. It's not a bad time to move on. I wouldn't say that you have led her on senselessly. But, now that you've been through the necessary personal hmm-ing and haw-ing, it would be the best time to say goodbye.
My Thoughts On Her:
When a woman says they want a good Christian man, they often mean a man who will understand their desire to abstain from sex until marriage. This would be one explanation for her disinterest in the matter. She doesn't seem to notice you're shelling out a sizeable chunk of change to spend time with her. She thinks she's worth "that much." Maybe another woman will be, but this one is not. Based on what you have written about her in this thread, it sounds like she's clinging to a prepubescent mentality. She needs to mature before she is ready for a true, lasting relationship.
My thoughts about You:
You have the option of sticking with her and hoping she matures to the level you hope, learning to love her along the way. Or you can choose to cut your losses now and move on. It's your choice. Expect some amount of drama and heartache over the breakup - for yourself and for her.
My thoughts on both of you:
In any case, it seems you have both learned a lot from the relationship. You've learned that someone's interest in religion isn't necessarily going to cross them off your list. You've also learned that some women don't bother with financial accountability. You've learned to interact comfortably on a more-than-social level with a woman other than your ex. I wouldn't call it a waste of time.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq
"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy