Rent The Tao of Steve, if for no other reason than its an awesome movie.
I've always been a fan of the philosophy that if you build it they will come when it comes to romance. Build your life up. I'm not suggesting you aren't successful, just that you might aim to just keep improving and enjoying yourself even if you're already badass. As a result, for many, I think the girls show up.
As an example, my brother in law, joined the military right out of school. He met a girl in transit to first duty station and married her within weeks. She anally plundered him for all his happiness and money while he was in Korea not a year down the road. They divorced, and he married another little girl within a year. Things aren't going well. Moral: you must build a foundation upon which to set your relationship. Unfortunately we are driven to solve a problem right now, as if it is a problem not to be in a relationship. I suspect a relationship is much more enjoyable if not labored over so much.
My credibility here is nil; I have been married since the week after my high school graduation. BTW, turns out that causes a lot of regrets about not getting a lot of(any) teenage pussy. Anyway, I love my wife and we are happily married for nearly 10 years. I can tell you though that my wife and I see eye to eye on all of your con points above. If she fell short in any of those regards in my eyes, I wouldn't want to be with her for a minute. The beauty of this relationship is that we... well I don't have any of those questions about her and I hope she doesn't of me. A relationship is something to enjoy not deplore.
I think the truth is that if you are an average joe, there isn't a thing you can do to control the universe. You can only try and manipulate it in subtle ways. In this case, building your footing and most importantly get over the whole not able to talk to girls thing. We'll all be dead tomorrow; pick one you adore in the meantime.
Also, it looks like you feel like you're getting beat up here for being harsh about this girl. Its bull, you were honest and humble at the same time. It was clear to me that you have the best intentions.
-Blind faith runs into things!-
Last edited by Herk; 01-20-2010 at 01:55 PM..