Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
However ugly you believe her to be, you don't deserve her.
Work on having something to offer.
Damn dude, I didn't know you had a grudge against me. For the record, I said "I'm not attracted to her." I'm not saying she's ugly in general; I'm sure there are guys that may like her physically. I wouldn't get a dachshund, but other people love them, it's just not for me. Like I said in my previous reply, I did not intend to hurt her, and I did not intend as just using her for practice.
And I do have something to offer, at least in her eyes, or else she wouldn't like me so much, no? And I have something to offer in general to women; when I find the right one (not to be confused with "the one", which I'm not after), I will offer her my faithfulness and commitment to her. And I'm sure I'll eventually have a good career, so I can offer us security, and if that falls through I have many backups as to how to keep us afloat.