Nice. Teemo is quite fun to play. One item you may want to try with him, as it's not obvious, is nashors tooth. Most teemos I see play him as pure carry and don't pick up any mana regen or CDR, which means like 1/3 less shrooms than they should be putting out from lack of mana regen alone. And a simple chalice is a waste of a slot most of the time.
With the CDR and mana regen from nashors, plus my little bit of mana regen from seals, I can put out nearly twice the shrooms that teemos without any CDR or mana regen can. And shrooms = win. Also nice to have extra mana for blinding shot. I like to start with a meki pendant + pots and harass the crap out of them. So far it hasn't failed. I can 2v1 a lane like that, and with a competent partner keep them hugging their tower.
I've even kept back cho's with a regrowth pendant, ashe's with health pots, etc.