Pan - (sorry for the quote boxes missing I keep messing them up, its getting late and I'm new at this and all

I'm not sure I agree with your first point the South has been lost for democrats for decades now I don't think they've had strong support here since (with the exception of Dixiecrat candidates)
Its debatable weather or not MLK had any strong impact on the supreme court, while he did help bring the issue to the forefront, largely the Supreme Court ruled on interpretations of the law and constitution. Which is how the supreme court should function, away from outside influence and public opinion. I would agree however that it was people like MLK that helped put those cases in front of the Supreme Court to begin with. Which is very important.
The Civil Rights act was in response to a better educated society but I disagree with you in what way. This discussion started over weather prop 8 should have been decided by a referendum or by representative democracy. Yes education did bring about enlightenment on civil rights but not nearly enough to sway state voters, especially in the South. In this case I would argue that using referendums and waiting for the voters to come around would have taken decades if not generations and it was simply unfair for African Americans to wait that long for a real response. In this case our representatives took control in an environment better suited for an issue like this.
I think were getting lost in two different discussions here Pan. I agree with you on your last paragraph but again those examples aren't a reflection of referendum voting (to the best of my knowledge, I'm rusty on some of those subjects). It was our elected officials who ultimately made the changes based on laws and the constitution after an issue was brought to the forefront and debated in the public forum. My position is that Prop 8 shouldn't have been decided by a referendum, there were simply too many variables involved (as I've outlined above) and that a better atmosphere for ruling on the issue would have been the State Legislature away from (ideally) the problems encountered through a vote by the people.
Sometimes even the hardest of work and best intentions aren't enough to make the changes needed quickly enough. Again I think its unfair for homosexuals to have to wait out a drastic change by the public (generations?) before their rights are granted. Sure the supreme court or congress might rule the against them but I think the ruling will not only come quicker but be backed up by a much more sound opinion.
Anyway I'm enjoying your input on this, its a nice change of pace to have a rational discussion on this issue for a change. You seem like a very passionate person the world needs more people like that.