Originally Posted by ratbastid
The winners write the history books, pan. True in war, true in politics.
True winners fight battles that may take years to win but have lasting effects and write tomes of their struggles. Those who fight for instantaneous results write short term essays.
MLK fought battles that took years but the effects of the battles he fought and eventually won are with us today and are now a part of not just the USA but of many countries.
See, this is what the Dem party I belonged to taught us in the 80's and early 90's. Now.... it's all about now and power and screw the voices. They have outdone the GOP when it comes to this.
Rat... you can frame it however you like, but I'd rather be on an MLK's side fighting for the voices to be heard and for lasting change than those in power today. Prop 8 is a great example of the power plays and short term and short effecting wins that do not win the battle, just distance the people.... I'm old school, fight the battles and win the war and the people's support.
And yes, I said Prop 8 was a win for some, who claim it a defeat. It allows more government control, more government period. And that unfortunately is what some desire more than anything. They find that if the degrade the voters, humiliate, and denigrate the voters it'll bully people into voting the way those people want... it'll allow "losses" to becvome court victories that put more government into our lives and take away more rights and liberties.