So I've been playing this game for a couple days now, it's just a rental thus far but I don't think I'll be able to finish it.
My policy is that games that have infinite lives + checkpoint save style gameplay with no death penalty automatically means that I'm going to ramp it up to the hardest difficulty level just so I can actually feel some sort of accomplishment for beating it.
The story is basically that you're playing "War" one of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse and an agent of "The Council" which is basically some mysterious neutral party that wants to keep heaven and hell from ever having a decisive battle. Story isn't the strongest point of this game so far though, I'll admit.
Anyways, War plays like a cross between Kratos and Link. God of war meets zelda gameplay feels noticeable for sure. You'll find yourself tossing a boomera...err crossblade to trigger switches and cause platforms to move etc...
Boss fights play out more like scripted events than hack and slash style encounters.
for example, the 1st boss basically throws some cars at you, the ones that dont fly off screen or blow up, you just pick up and throw it right back at his ugly face and knock him dizzy enough for his head to come down where you can hit it a few times.
a mini boss required me to hit his glowy spots with my crossblade so he'd fall to his knees and i'd slap him silly a bit.
and the 1st "real" boss just required me to employ just about every tactic imaginable against him. He was definitely tough (again, playing on max difficulty)
Anyways, not really tooooo far in the game (maybe 4-5 hours ish) but I gotta say, this game is impressive for one that came out of left field. Kinda a surprise just like Arkham asylum was a good surprise. These no-name studios are pleasing me :P
I just did a little reasearch though and found out this same studio is working on the warhammer 40K MMO due out in 2012. Interesting. haha.