Originally Posted by m0rpheus
It's not just the basics of the plot it's about the content within said plot. There was absolutely nothing I didn't see coming in Avatar.
I think you're over exaggerating a bit. There was no hint as to sigourney weaver's character dieing (I figured the transfer thing would work,) I wasn't certain if they'd destroy their tree, or if they'd fight a pitched battle around it, I wasn't convinced their'd be a happy ending, etc. It wasn't a "OMFG WHAT A TWIST!" Kind of movie, but not every movie needs a twist to be good. In fact, usually for me, the movies with the "twists" are the easiest ones to see what's coming.
This wasn't my favorite movie ever or anything, but I am just not seeing this supposedly bad plot some of you are.
Its OK to dislike a movie just cause, you don't have to blame the plot.