Here's my 2 cents.The Americans should cancel the 'roadmap' effective immediately.As long as both the Isreali's and Palestinian's have any say in the matter,they will never see eye to eye.Either define the borders of a Palestinian state irregardless as to what either side has to say, or pull out.
If not that,then this.Have an exchange program for kid's up to 16 years old be implemented immediately.By this I mean Isreali and Palestinian kid's going into each others homes to live for a set amount of time. This will provide insight for these kid's as to how the other side lives on a daily basis and maybe will teach them respect and about the other culture rather than being brainwashed with hatred.Maybe after 50 years of such a program, peace could be had.The best time to break the cycle of hatred is when kid's are young and have not been jaded by the ongoing revisionist rhetoric.
If this idea is dismissed ,the U.S as well as other civilized countries should band together for the betterment of themselves and forget about the Isreali's and Palestinian's.Since the Isreali's and Palestinian's can't or won't find peace,to hell with them.Leave them behind so that the rest of the world can get on with life and benefit from being civil.This is the 21st century,not the13th.Maybe then when both sides realize that no one gives a shit anymore,they too will realize the world doesn't revolve around them.