How bad could it be if everyone became wire-headed to a utopian world?
The bloody wars could end (the real sticky visceral pain bloody sort.)
We might already be inventing the good nanny machines,
to tend and water us. (A sort of cogent subconcious desire to survive and yet 'do no harm')
It might give our beloved Gaia a chance to heal too.
I just finished reading Orson Scott Card's Memory Of Earth
That explains my current synapse firings.
I have no grasp on what the young folk of this era are dealing with.
So much has lept in just a few decades.
My Grandma as a young woman was a Flapper in the 20's
My young Mother had to endure the frigid colorless 50's
I surfed the echoes of the beat, and the first of the punk era.
We're just brief blinks in this world & there's so much to see.
Last edited by ring; 01-13-2010 at 12:17 PM..