Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
When I was married, I went to a church and made a covenant with God and my wife. I also signed a binding legal contract with the State and my wife. These two things are distinct and mutually exclusive. I am married through God. I am in a legally binding contract through the State. That contract was entered into willingly by two consenting adults. The benefits of that contract ensure that my property will remain with those I choose in the event of my death. That contract ensures that the money I was forced to place in Social Security will go to the person whom I choose. That contract allows me to choose who makes medical decisions when I can't. I paid taxes for all of these benefits and I took advantage of these benefits.
Allow the contract to be expanded such that the two adults get to choose with whom they make that contract - not the State. Eliminate the word "marriage" from this contract's verbiage. None of us are married in the eyes of the State - that is a convenant one makes with God and the State must separate itself from that covenant.
I agree and would take it a step further; take away the church's ability to legally sign marriage licenses. Make the religious aspect of marriage 100% ceremonial