Originally Posted by Zooksport2
I am so sick of wearing spectacles.
I have had 20/20 vision until about 3 years ago, then things were getting more and more blurry, so I went and had an eye test, and got the nesessary glasses, but everything is still blurry.
I really feel for those who have to wear glasses all the time...
Originally Posted by Zooksport2
...WHAT BLOODY CAR??????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see:
A black 59 Elky. and a couple rooflines behind...
Since your eyesight is seemingly diminishing, my sincere best wishes for your other important bits that are sure to go next
I think Jetman is referring to that T-Shirt Garage Sandman orange car. The car ring and I are talking about is that partially visible yellow car behind the '59 Elky.