Originally Posted by ratbastid
That's not how it works, or all the whites could hurry up and vote that the non-whites get no votes, quick-like, before whites are a minority.
Just because "the people said" doesn't make it NOT a violation of constitutionally protected rights.
"the elected officials passed the decision-making buck to people even less qualified to make the decision".
It's attitudes like these that keep electing leaders that put us trillions of dollars in debt and lead us into facism.
THE PEOPLE ARE WRONG< FUCK WHAT THE <MASSES WANT, they are stupid, ignorant and don't know what truly is going on.... we need government to lead us to the promised land and we need government to dictate to us all we need to know.
That said, unless Prop 8 violates the US Constitution or California's and cannot be amended to work out those violations..... LET THE PEOPLE'S VOICE BE HEARD!!!!!!
I may not agree or like it but as with the smoking bans, the people have spoken. You want to change it, do it by ballot and have your initiative/prop/amendment put on a ballot and voted on.
IT's like people crying that Ohio passed gambling and now want to legislate and challenge and reverse the vote without giving the people the chance to vote.